

2603, 2024

Australia Tuvalu Climate Deal

By |March 26th, 2024|

The Falepili Union will inspire the creation of different visa arrangement and mobility as well as security mechanisms to ensure that Pacific Island nations people have dignified pathways to move in case of climate change and support as an when needed.

1412, 2023

Bangladesh and Nepal: The influence of Economic Diplomacy on the Strengthening of Bilateral Relations

By |December 14th, 2023|

Closer ties between the government of Bangladesh and several international and regional economic forums demonstrate Bangladesh's determined efforts to maximise its economic gains through the promotion of economic diplomacy.

1412, 2023

Indian Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief in Nepal: Swift, Sure and Selfless

By |December 14th, 2023|

Indian success in conducting HADR operations in Nepal demonstrates the potential for its emulation in other countries thereby increasing India’s good neighbourly approach and overall reliability and trustworthiness within its immediate neighbourhood and beyond.

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