Defence and Security
Defence and Security at its very core attempts to explore the liaison between politics and the several kinds of military power, from the use of terror by small, non-state groups to the susceptible use of nuclear weapons. The scholars of the respective center bring forward the blend of contemporary strategic and trenchant case studies transcending the conventional wisdom offering the recommendations that are ultra-practicable. Bringing in various multidisciplinary, critical, and regional expertise, the analysis presented won’t solely rely on straight-line predictions but rather will consider the full range of possibilities and anticipate a broad scope of plausible outcome. The analysis provided will not only be looking at the implications of the current issues but also will further aid to identify and analyze the issue thereafter. The Security and Strategy center tends to cover broad array of issues, majorly dealing with Nuclear Issues, Military Issues, Defense modernization, Terrorism and Militancy.
The 2025 G-7 Foreign Minister’s Meeting and Maritime Security and Prosperity
The March 2025 G-7 Foreign Ministers Meeting was a watershed moment, tested the diverse positions taken by member states, which built consensus on issues that matter to global safety and security.
India-Mauritius ‘Enhance Strategic Partnership’ for Stable Indian Ocean
In the current era of Geopolitical flux across the Indian Ocean Region, PM Modi’s visit to Mauritius marked a recognition of the renewed geopolitical significance of the Western Indian Ocean islands for New Delhi.
Climate Change in Malaysia
In the current era of Geopolitical flux across the Indian Ocean Region, PM Modi’s visit to Mauritius marked a recognition of the renewed geopolitical significance of the Western Indian Ocean islands for New Delhi.
Geopolitics of Quad and Beyond: Assessing India’s Regional Partnerships in the Indo-Pacific
The involvement of India in the region can lead to its recognition as an important international figure.
India-US Relations Amidst the Maritime Great Game in the Indo-Pacific: A Power-Transition?
In the maritime great game unfolding in the Indo-Pacific, where the US and India, along with other like-minded regional powers might play a crucial role in balancing against China’s rise.
Indonesia’s Outlook at the Indo-Pacific through the lens of President Joko Widodo
Joko Widodo popularly known as “Jokowi” has managed to create an atmosphere of vision into reality by developing and improving infrastructure and accelerating economic growth.
Indo-Lanka Tug of War around the Sea Mount:Afanasy Nikitin Reveals Geopolitical Complexities
The entanglement over Afanasy Nikitin Seamount reveals the tip of the iceberg that encompasses the whole Indian Ocean.
Indo-Pacific Conundrum: Can Maritime Interests Connect Bangladesh and the Middle Powers?
Bangladesh's institutional participation in the Indo-Pacific region continues to be essential because Bangladesh has an oceanic exit that is BOB.