Defence and Security2023-07-30T23:37:24+05:45

Defence and Security

Defence and Security at its very core attempts to explore the liaison between politics and the several kinds of military power, from the use of terror by small, non-state groups to the susceptible use of nuclear weapons. The scholars of the respective center bring forward the blend of contemporary strategic and trenchant case studies transcending the conventional wisdom offering the recommendations that are ultra-practicable. Bringing in various multidisciplinary, critical, and regional expertise, the analysis presented won’t solely rely on straight-line predictions but rather will consider the full range of possibilities and anticipate a broad scope of plausible outcome. The analysis provided will not only be looking at the implications of the current issues but also will further aid to identify and analyze the issue thereafter. The Security and Strategy center tends to cover broad array of issues, majorly dealing with Nuclear Issues, Military Issues, Defense modernization, Terrorism and Militancy.


2810, 2022

The Growing Importance of the Maritime Space in 21st Century Geopolitics

By |October 28th, 2022|

Earlier, China was focused on its presence in the Indian Ocean, developing its capabilities and good ties with the IOR countries to fulfill its geostrategic and geo-economics ambitions but the influence game has shifted to the Pacific Ocean now, with the realization by the United States that China is a real threat.

1308, 2022

Indo-US Climate Partnership in the Indo-Pacific

By |August 13th, 2022|

The US has opportunities to invest in climate finance in India to help India achieve its environment goals by 2030 and a net zero by 2070, in consonance with the Panchamrit strategy. India owes a huge climate debt from the West as its per capita emissions remain comparatively low and has “not been a historical contributor to the GHG emissions.”

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