Defence and Security2023-07-30T23:37:24+05:45

Defence and Security

Defence and Security at its very core attempts to explore the liaison between politics and the several kinds of military power, from the use of terror by small, non-state groups to the susceptible use of nuclear weapons. The scholars of the respective center bring forward the blend of contemporary strategic and trenchant case studies transcending the conventional wisdom offering the recommendations that are ultra-practicable. Bringing in various multidisciplinary, critical, and regional expertise, the analysis presented won’t solely rely on straight-line predictions but rather will consider the full range of possibilities and anticipate a broad scope of plausible outcome. The analysis provided will not only be looking at the implications of the current issues but also will further aid to identify and analyze the issue thereafter. The Security and Strategy center tends to cover broad array of issues, majorly dealing with Nuclear Issues, Military Issues, Defense modernization, Terrorism and Militancy.


3009, 2021

Pacific Island Countries: Prospects and Challenges for Indo-Pacific

By |September 30th, 2021|

With the Indo-Pacific and the competition between China and QUAD, the South Pacific is gaining more geostrategic importance. The competition of larger powers will help small island states to diversify their ties, but it forces them to adapt to new and more complicated geostrategic realities.

2409, 2021

Is AUKUS adding to the Instability in Southeast Asia?

By |September 24th, 2021|

24 September 2021, NIICE Commentary 7383 Dr. Priya Suresh The new military alliance between Australia, United Kingdom & United States called the ‘AUKUS Pact’, is vague but will have a greater ramification for the future strategic balance in the Asia Pacific.  Several scholars warn that Asia might slide into fast-tracking arms race as county’s react to China’s military growth. The most momentous of the trilateral partnership is that it will witness Australia equipped with a new fleet of nuclear-powered submarines that has high-class competence and endurance than the exclusive French assembled diesel sub-fleet that it had replenished. There is no

2309, 2021

Strategic signaling in the Indo-Pacific: AUKUS vis-à-vis the QUAD

By |September 23rd, 2021|

The very presence of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Belt and Road Initiative widens the web of Chinese presence and efforts at being indispensably entrenched into the everyday life and economics of the countries of the Indo-Pacific and this often nullifies even the most blatant security concerns.

2803, 2021

The US-Indo Pacific Shift: Opportunities for Pakistan

By |March 28th, 2021|

Pakistan's economic and internal situation does not afford it the option to involve itself in the situation developing in the grouping growing in the Indo-Pacific, hence it must seek to leverage itself wherever possible to reap maximum geo-economic dividends, i.e., developing economic connectivity and forging developmental partnerships in the region

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