Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and Engagement (NIICE) is an independent, apolitical and non-partisan think tank based in Nepal, which believes in freedom, democracy and a world free from conflict. We envision a world, where sources of insecurity are identified and understood, conflicts are prevented or resolved, and peace is advocated. It was registered under the Companies Act 2006 of Nepal in February 2016.
Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and Engagement (NIICE) was formed to meet the following objectives:
- To undertake independent research and activities on issues of International Relations, Foreign Policy, Security Studies and Development, which are conducive to world at large and Nepal in particular;
- To provide analyses and recommendations to the governments, policymakers, researchers and civil society;
- To nurture genuine scholarships and creativity in the field of research;
- To forge strong interdisciplinary programmes and engage in productive partnerships with different research and academic institutions around the world;
- To support independent research, enable scholars to produce monograph, issue briefs, articles, reports, books, and to hold seminars/conferences;
- To publish journals on the issues of global significance and concern, and provide up-to-date information and analysis about world events.


NIICE’s mission is to advance the cause of peace and harmony through analyses and debates on fresh policy ideas, cooperation with global institutes and think tanks, as well as direct engagement and collaboration with decision makers in government, business, and civil society. Working together, NIICE aims at reaching the inestimable benefits of multiple viewpoints for bilateral, regional, and global issues.
Nepal lies between two economic and military giants of Asia – India and China. Both possess nuclear weapons and aspire to be a global power in coming decades. Hence, Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and Engagement (NIICE) focuses on South Asia and China in general and India and China in particular.