The topic basically deals with the issues converging global governance, Sustainable Development and the emerging concept of smart cities in South Asia. It covers the structural, institutional, and normative challenges and issues of the current global order precisely South Asia. Likewise, the topic also touches upon the concept of sustainability extending extensively in the areas such as health, education, freedom, equality, climate change, clean energy and green economy providing a wealth of insights to its readers.
Belt and Road Initiative and Impact on Bangladesh
The lack of time is a big concern regarding the completion of mega-projects because Bangladesh still has backlogs in terms of implementing huge infrastructural projects. The threat to environmental protection, as opposed to the implementation of mega-projects, is also a million-dollar dilemma for Bangladesh. To mitigate these challenges, it is essential to coordinate on economic development strategies and policies.
Making of a New World Order: Centering Trust Deficit and the Nation-State
Besides the loss of human life, the virus has had serious economic and political ramifications for countries and the international order. The failure of WHO in dealing with the crisis on time, the lack of leadership from the United Nations (UN), and the lack of transparency in information sharing on the part of China have raised serious doubts over the existence of international systems and organizations, and have exposed their insolent style of functioning.
COVID-19, Scientific Temper and Governance
The SAARC should periodically meet through video conference at the level of Ministers or Secretaries. All governments in the developing world should give special attention to the vulnerable sections such as workers working far away from home.
Public Healthcare in India: Measures for a Safer Future
The ‘Make in India Campaign’, can be implemented in manufacturing surgical kits, medical equipment, masks, protective suits for doctors, medicines and much more. Media and other communication channels must encourage denizens to practice a proper health hygiene, as has been dictated by WHO norms.
Why Trump is at Fault in Halting Fund to the WHO?
It is not the first time that World Health Organiation (WHO) has been criticized for handling a pandemic situation. The WHO understands the mounting criticism on the organization, and to counter the criticism the WHO has released a timeline showing the actions it has taken to handle the crisis.
Women in the Pandemic : Focusing on Female Leadership and Healthcare
Putting the gender equality goal at the center, socio-economic recovery efforts will support the rapid recovery and will fundamentally help to build a more equal, inclusive and resilient societies. This will strengthen the resiliency to such future crisis and will certainly help to achieve the sustainable development goals.
COVID-19 and SAARC: Need of Women in Decision-Making
There are two ways in which the SAARC can be more inclusive, first, by placing more women in the SAARC Ministerial-level group, and secondly, by going beyond targeting individual women and regularly consulting with women’s organizations who are at the front line of the COVID-19 response.
COVID-19 Pandemic: Need for Cooperation on Ethno-Pharmacy in India and Nepal
India has already earned a good reputation for groundbreaking developments in the pharmaceutical sector. An increased focus on collaborative research in this field between educational institutions in India and Nepal would open the floodgates for easier access to pharmaceuticals and traditional medicines in the near future.