The topic basically deals with the issues converging global governance, Sustainable Development and the emerging concept of smart cities in South Asia. It covers the structural, institutional, and normative challenges and issues of the current global order precisely South Asia. Likewise, the topic also touches upon the concept of sustainability extending extensively in the areas such as health, education, freedom, equality, climate change, clean energy and green economy providing a wealth of insights to its readers.
Global Governance in the Digital World: Policy Initiatives in Europe
The new communication technologies can definitely help the EU and other countries of the world in improving the democratic credentials of its institutions and legislative processes.
The Declining Liberal World Order
China will evidently be a major player with its influence spanning in many directions, however, US’s position as a hegemon will see a decline, but not a complete takeover. The new order will certainly be more realistic and heavily armed, with less consideration for human rights and authoritarianism.
Global Governance in Post COVID-19
The post-COVID-19 world will be shaped by decisions being made in the crucible of the fight against the virus. The profound uncertainty about the virus and its trajectory, and about how other countries will respond, only magnifies the importance of leadership.
International Relations in Post-COVID-19 Era
It is difficult to predict which way the international cooperation will move after the pandemic gets over, as it is dependent on those who occupy the leadership of major powers.
COVID-19: Position of Vulnerable Groups in the Lockdown and the Idea of Welfare State
The impact of COVID-19 on women and economically weaker class which primarily comprise of migrant workers is very high. It is time for the counties to strengthen the law and make sure that these vulnerable groups do not suffer any more.
Global Governance and Gaps in Liability
Useful checks and balances need to be in place to curb the influence of power equations so that efforts and actions can truly be aimed at global good. Global governance will be effectual when global institutions are geared towards the global wellbeing unrestricted by politics.
Shaping the Global Partnership for Combatting COVID-19
It is time for all the governments to strictly ensure that any measures taken to counter the pandemic must be necessary and proportionate, pursue legitimate purposes, be limited in time, be non-discriminatory and respectful of international law, including human rights law.
Urban Mobility in a Post-COVID-19 World: Revisiting Infrastructure Frameworks
Making cities smart and sustainable would mean creating career and business opportunities that keep up with the changing social scenario, especially in the context of creating safe and affordable housing and building resilient economies.