The topic basically deals with the issues converging global governance, Sustainable Development and the emerging concept of smart cities in South Asia. It covers the structural, institutional, and normative challenges and issues of the current global order precisely South Asia. Likewise, the topic also touches upon the concept of sustainability extending extensively in the areas such as health, education, freedom, equality, climate change, clean energy and green economy providing a wealth of insights to its readers.
Bhutan’s Quest for Economic Dominance in South Asia
Bhutan has become more competitive due to its strategic investments in sustainable tourism, renewable energy, and digital connection.
Will G20 Presidency reshape India-China Relations?
While India and China have made efforts to manage these differences through diplomatic channels, tensions between India and China have increased in recent years, and the relationship between the two countries remains complex and challenging.
Expectations from India’s G20 Presidency
India firmly believes that G20 is all about ‘creating real opportunity, greater equality, and a more secure, healthy and prosperous world’ and is strategically important multilateral economic caucus has the ability to re-shape the post-pandemic world order.
Libyan Arab Spring
The UN Security Council imposed a no-fly zone over Libya and took all necessary measures to protect the civilians under threat of attack. One week later, NATO enforced the No-fly zone and was supported by the United Arab Emirates and Qatar by providing planes for its effort. Gadaffi offered a ceasefire with NATO; however, the rebels rejected this offer.
United Nations 1.5: Need for Structural Update
Many scholars believed the United Nations, not just US and NATO, could have played a preemptive role in arresting the impending Russian aggression in Ukraine, thus, responsibilities of the UN cannot be a theoretical exercise anymore.
Challenges to Global Governance in Ukraine-Russia Conflict
Anarchy, as it exists today, is more so for the TNCs rather than States. Global governance has surely evolved, but the next big challenge is to extend the governance umbrella over TNCs.
Hegemonic Concern, Democratic Response
Reports indicate that the number of liberal democracies stood at 42 in 2012, their number has shrunk to its lowest level in over 25 years, with just 34 countries and 13 percent of the world population living in liberal democracies.
Has the UN Resisted the Rumblings of 21st Century World Politics?
Reforms in the processes are what is being asked for to make sure that UN has a long life. UN has been able to resist the rumblings and even make a country recognized its significance.