The topic basically deals with the issues converging global governance, Sustainable Development and the emerging concept of smart cities in South Asia. It covers the structural, institutional, and normative challenges and issues of the current global order precisely South Asia. Likewise, the topic also touches upon the concept of sustainability extending extensively in the areas such as health, education, freedom, equality, climate change, clean energy and green economy providing a wealth of insights to its readers.
COVID-19: Conundrum of Health and Privacy
Too much reliance on technology would present ethical challenges around privacy, accountability, bias and transparency. Therefore, it is important to understand that health and privacy are not choices but rather a basic right for everyone.
COVID-19 and Trump’s Halting of Funding to WHO
The US and China should start to lead the pack in making global stores of medicine and supplies for future crises. These two great powers should help fight the pandemic. The US has been a long-standing and generous supporter to WHO and the world hope it would continue to be so for the causes of humankind.
South Korea: Election in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic
There are two key takeaways from this election, first, South Korea is supremely advanced when it comes to the application of its technical know-how and second, the highest turnout of voters indicates the faith of the electorate on the political system.
COVID-19 and Public Health in India
India should take lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic situation of the US and Europe. It should upgrade the existing health system with adequate equipment, staff and infrastructure. The Government should immediately scale up its expenditure in healthcare from 3.5 percent to 5 percent of its GDP.
COVID-19: Menace for All, Not a Few
The countries should learn from each other to overcome this pandemic. They should also give more importance to public health and strengthen the international organisations like WHO with more resources. India can also play a huge role in fighting this global pandemic.
COVID-19 in Japan: The Biggest Crisis in Post War Era
Japan, being a technological power, has been at the forefront of developing a vaccine Avigan against the COVID-19. Prime Minister Abe, who has been the longest serving Prime Minister, with experience of working at the toughest of times, has given confidence to the people of Japan.
Crisis versus Opportunity: India’s Response to COVID-19
India is an economic and military power, which can propel India in the direction of global power heterogeneity composing of multipolarity. India can also occupy the global supply chain of pharmaceutical production in the world.
Coronavirus Capitalism’s Crisis: Lessons from Cuba
Cuba did remarkable transformation though ‘Single National Public Health System’, wherein all the healthcare services were made available free of cost to all its citizens. Currently Cuba has the highest number of doctors per 1000 person, much higher than many rich and powerful countries.