China is dominating the new world order with its economic might. It is constantly expanding its influence around the world with its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) by connecting Asia with Africa and Europe via Silk Road Economic Belt and Maritime Silk Road networks. The topic principally attempts to trace China’s development projects around the world and bring high-caliber intellectual analysis, develop in-depth academic research providing professional research findings and recommendations regarding the “Belt and Road Initiative”.
China’s Assertive Actions Continue Despite the Spread of COVID-19
COVID-19 may significantly shape the US’s China policy. Some US officials call the pandemic this generation’s “Pearl Harbor.” The COVID-19 crisis will affect the outcome of the US presidential election in November and attitudes toward China. Once the US overcomes the virus’s peak its China strategy and the approach that the US chooses will affect the security situation throughout the Indo-Pacific.
Crisis versus Opportunity: India’s Response to COVID-19
India is an economic and military power, which can propel India in the direction of global power heterogeneity composing of multipolarity. India can also occupy the global supply chain of pharmaceutical production in the world.
Recent Trends in Russia-China Relations
Russia will continue to take strong measures aimed at harmonizing integration processes in Eurasia, pairing the EAEU and the Belt and Road Initiative, and the formation of a Greater Eurasian Partnership. In this regard, the development of partnership with China, as a key player in the region, will be a priority for Russia’s foreign policy.
Nepal Caught between China and the US
Nepal needs to strike a balance between both the regional and the global power. It is crucial for Nepal to find the common grounds with India and China in such a way that it addresses their core concerns while allowing room for Nepal to exercise its independent foreign policy with other great powers.
Augmenting the International North- South Transport Corridor (INSTC): Will it be in India’s Interest?
INSTC provides a platform for India to increase its trade relationship with Russia, Iran and Central Asia. Despite historical relationship with all these countries, India could not shoot up its trade volume due to absence of strong transportation facilities. A project like the INSTC will help overcome those hurdles.
Namaste Trump: What Next in India-US Relations?
It is imperative for Delhi and Washington to communicate and work more closely, not only for mutual benefits, but to contribute more significantly to global good.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Opportunities and Challenges for Nepal
BRI will be beneficial for Nepal as it can bring huge Chinese investment that speed up the economic development. However, Nepal’s dream of prosperity through BRI is possible only when Nepal succeeds to take India and China into confidence.
China’s Increasing Economic Engagement in Africa
History of African countries marked by colonialism and their humiliation for centuries has created space for Chinese. This has created a favorable environment for the “Chinese Rejuvenation” to become a dream which could be exported to African countries.