China is dominating the new world order with its economic might. It is constantly expanding its influence around the world with its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) by connecting Asia with Africa and Europe via Silk Road Economic Belt and Maritime Silk Road networks. The topic principally attempts to trace China’s development projects around the world and bring high-caliber intellectual analysis, develop in-depth academic research providing professional research findings and recommendations regarding the “Belt and Road Initiative”.
China’s Belt and Road initiative in Central Asia: Challenges and Prospects
The Belt and road initiative is a landmark for global economic integration but it should develop balanced multilateral and bilateral cooperation among partners. China should build mutual trust, confidence and balance among central Asian countries through this project.
China’s BRI and its Public Diplomacy in ASEAN Countries
China is highly focused on changing its image in the international arena through various public diplomacy activities in ASEAN countries. It has resulted in winning over the “Chinese Threat” notion by the “Good Neighbour Effect”.
Falling into the ‘Debt-Trap’ Pit?
If a country falls into the debt trap, then Beijing opts for concessions or any other arrangement, thereby increasing its overall influence in the country.
Geopolitical Implications of China’s BRI: Perspectives from South Asia
If China’s BRI proceed without any geopolitical intention, and honestly facilitate the regional integration and economic cooperation, India and Bhutan might also join BRI in future.
The Geopolitics of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
The exhibition of aggressive behaviour of China which India witnessed during the recent standoff in Ladakh, and in the South China Sea, opens up the possibility of China dominating the South Asia and the peripheral maritime.
Belt and Road Initiative: Aspects of Geostrategy and Geoeconomics
China’s ability to fund the projects in the long term and their ability to manage the project outside borders of China will determine how successful the BRI is.
Post Pandemic Global Health Diplomacy and Health Silk Road
In post pandemic era, Health Silk Road is expected to create a new normal in Global Health Diplomacy. If countries employ the collective approach in building, improving and master its modern health infrastructure, world will not witness another pandemic in its history again.
Beyond the Belt and Road Initiative: China’s Security Policy Towards the Philippines
The connectivity will bring low cost business practices, ability to send help to far-flung areas and relaying of information that will stimulate the economy as well as provide comfort to lives of the people.