Non-traditional Security Studies addresses the mounting non-traditional issues and challenges in the South Asian region arising from non-military sources, such as Climate Change, Irregular Migration, Terrorism, Resource Wars, Disaster Management, Drug Trafficking, Transnational Crime etc. Factors as such are the security challenges that aren’t considered mainstream and are emerging as dynamics in conflict therefore affecting the national and international security becoming a part of non-traditional security issues that has emerged as the greatest challenges of 21st century.


2707, 2020

Extremism and Radicalization: Understanding the Nature of the Non-Traditional Threat

By |July 27th, 2020|

The current pandemic has presented a good opportunity, as it has led to the reduction of such violent acts. Further, it has also provided time for leaders and policy makers to rethink and re-evaluate- what could be amended and what new policies could be adopted.

2607, 2020

Mapping Human Security in Bangladesh – An Overview of Climate Change Induced Risks and its Consequences

By |July 26th, 2020|

Bangladesh has done fairly well in disaster management and preparedness but climate change is not to be dealt with in solitary, especially when their contribution to global emission is negligible while its vulnerabilities are at a maximum.

2607, 2020

Understanding the Youth Radicalisation in South Asia

By |July 26th, 2020|

26 July 2020, NIICE Commentary 5658 Karnika Jain Given that the radicalisation and terrorism in the region are being studied extensively for a long time, the region still is confronting the blight of the problem. The South Asian region has faced a multitude of challenges ever since the countries got independent. But one of the challenges that South Asia faces today is the rapid growth of radical tendencies. Thus, when combined with terrorist violence, it poses a major threat to peace and security of the region. As per the report of Global Terrorism Index 2019, South Asia is recorded as

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