Non-traditional Security Studies addresses the mounting non-traditional issues and challenges in the South Asian region arising from non-military sources, such as Climate Change, Irregular Migration, Terrorism, Resource Wars, Disaster Management, Drug Trafficking, Transnational Crime etc. Factors as such are the security challenges that aren’t considered mainstream and are emerging as dynamics in conflict therefore affecting the national and international security becoming a part of non-traditional security issues that has emerged as the greatest challenges of 21st century.
South Asian Youth at Risk: Does the Pandemic Exacerbate Cyber Radicalization?
The pandemic urges vigorous and more integrated measures and policies from the governments in the region on both a domestic and conjoined level in order to secure that their youth are safe from radicalization.
Time to Rethink Indus Water Treaty
If India stops the waters, Pakistan’s agriculture system and Hydropower Projects will be badly affected. Hence, if Pakistan continues to use terror against India, India should rethink about Indus waters.
European Union’s Response to Non-Traditional Security Concerns: A Case Study of Terrorism
European Union tries to focus not only on the short-term response and mitigation of attacks but also tries to understand the underlying causes behind the growth of terrorists and the support they receive.
Media in Times of COVID-19: Responsibilities and Relevance
For media it is a tightrope walk – continuously dispelling myths round an unknown disease as well as produces the right information, give the necessary precautions.
COVID-19: The Quest for Collective Human Security
The COVID-19 pandemic has touched each and every aspect of human life, be it socio-cultural, political or economic.
UN@75 : Reviewing the Biological Weapons Convention
The need of the hour is for all states parties in the world to work towards verification and compliance, as well as towards reforms of the BWC for greater universality, betterment of implementation, and inclusion of mechanisms on how to deal with terrorist and violent non-state actors.
Curbing Illegal Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing in Sri Lankan Waters
IUU fishing has remained an issue for long enough, that both local and foreign fishermen have gotten used to the system of engaging in it.
Germany and the UK: Analysis of the Healthcare System during COVID-19 Times
Both UK and Germany have been on their toes to contain the grip of the pandemic, they are equally seeking to develop immunity to the virus by advancing a vaccine that can combat COVID-19 vis-à-vis save humanity.