Non-traditional Security Studies addresses the mounting non-traditional issues and challenges in the South Asian region arising from non-military sources, such as Climate Change, Irregular Migration, Terrorism, Resource Wars, Disaster Management, Drug Trafficking, Transnational Crime etc. Factors as such are the security challenges that aren’t considered mainstream and are emerging as dynamics in conflict therefore affecting the national and international security becoming a part of non-traditional security issues that has emerged as the greatest challenges of 21st century.


2608, 2022

Unfolding Afghanistan Crisis

By |August 26th, 2022|

Social, economic and political impacts were very much visible but the impacts that went unnoticed were the impact on women of Afghanistan. The Taliban coming to power was not less than nightmare for women as their rise denied women from availing existing opportunities and made the women of Afghanistan see their future in bleak with no opportunities coming their way.

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