Non-traditional Security Studies addresses the mounting non-traditional issues and challenges in the South Asian region arising from non-military sources, such as Climate Change, Irregular Migration, Terrorism, Resource Wars, Disaster Management, Drug Trafficking, Transnational Crime etc. Factors as such are the security challenges that aren’t considered mainstream and are emerging as dynamics in conflict therefore affecting the national and international security becoming a part of non-traditional security issues that has emerged as the greatest challenges of 21st century.
COVID-19 Pandemic and Indian Diaspora in the Gulf
Indian citizens are India’s responsibility and those desirous may be brought back to the extent possible after the travel restrictions have been removed as reportedly indicated by Indian Minister of State for External Affairs.
Women in the Pandemic : Focusing on Female Leadership and Healthcare
Putting the gender equality goal at the center, socio-economic recovery efforts will support the rapid recovery and will fundamentally help to build a more equal, inclusive and resilient societies. This will strengthen the resiliency to such future crisis and will certainly help to achieve the sustainable development goals.
Reinterpreting Globalization: Impact of COVID-19 on Global Ideologies and Economics
Globalization is under a lot of strain and testing. Chinese manufacturing is breaking down and Europe is sighing for some respite, COVID-19 is reshaping the essentials and principles of Globalization. The very foundations and theories of Globalization are in for a serious overhaul.
COVID-19 and SAARC: Need of Women in Decision-Making
There are two ways in which the SAARC can be more inclusive, first, by placing more women in the SAARC Ministerial-level group, and secondly, by going beyond targeting individual women and regularly consulting with women’s organizations who are at the front line of the COVID-19 response.
COVID-19: Conundrum of Health and Privacy
Too much reliance on technology would present ethical challenges around privacy, accountability, bias and transparency. Therefore, it is important to understand that health and privacy are not choices but rather a basic right for everyone.
South Korea: Election in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic
There are two key takeaways from this election, first, South Korea is supremely advanced when it comes to the application of its technical know-how and second, the highest turnout of voters indicates the faith of the electorate on the political system.
The Plight of South Asian Migrant Workers in the Gulf
The governments, along with the activists, should put the safety of blue collared workers in the Gulf on priority. Similarly, in the long run, a plan needs to be drawn out for rehabilitation of workers, who want to return to South Asia.
Cyber Security and Internet Governance in Nepal
For strengthening the cybersecurity in Nepal, the guidelines governing the data protection, intellectual property, privacy, cybercrime and cyber terrorism should be established and revised in the judicial body. Besides, user awareness education and cyber insurance can complement technical mitigation strategies to reduce cyber threats in Nepal.