Refugee and Migration2022-05-02T06:48:01+05:45


The issue of Refugee and Migration in the current context can no longer be understood and analyzed in terms of their common and traditional perceptions. These topics has been coming out at a time of mounting public concern regarding growing refugee crisis, migratory pressures and emergence of different forms of population movement due to scarcity, poverty, climate change, war and other forms of violence. Hence the research as a whole along with maintaining an extensive archive of developments on both issues centers on understanding of population movements considering current and future forms of international migrations, their inter-dependencies with globalization, assessment of risks and possible causes of migration, response of the international community in dealing with such challenges, the state of asylum seekers and refugees, international laws etc.


509, 2020

Spill Over of the Syrian Civil War: Syrian Refugees and Growing Fragility in Lebanon

By |September 5th, 2020|

The stable and sustainable future of Lebanon and its capital Beirut; once called as ‘Switzerland’ and ‘Paris’ of West Asia respectively require considerate internal economic and political reforms along with financial support of the International community.

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