Considering the fact that all the South Asian member states are highly prone to hydro-meteorological and geological hazards such as floods, landslides, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes, heat waves, avalanches and tsunamis, the topic will bring into attention the issues relating to disaster, the aftermath and the adopted policies and dealings. When it comes to the economic vulnerability countries such as Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh illustrates the largest losses, where poverty exposed population and absence of preparedness can be accredited to the susceptibility to the disasters precipitated by natural hazards.
Vietnam’s Success Story of COVID-19
Vietnam’s success model shows the world that a small nation among the third world country with dense population and less equipped health infrastructure can also successfully win over a pandemic through their strong desire and determination.
Are Billionaires the New Government?: Debating the Role of Powerful Citizens in Global Crises
It is the widening gap and the massive accumulation of wealth that has left many with little and the few with many, the reason why we have to rely on their giving. These category of non-state actors are expected to take on a larger share of the accountability for the world problem after the state.
Sex Workers in Bangladesh: Tales of Destitution amidst the Pandemic
The structural violence and stigma faced by sex workers in normal times itself, is humongous, and this multiplies in the crises that have been created by a health disaster. The need of the hour is to absorb the capacities and energies of sex workers within societal structures, so as to give them enough opportunity to sustain themselves.
Building Community Trust amidst COVID-19: Role of Cultural Interpreters
Nature is giving us another chance so let us avoid the trap of intellectual-sounding ideas and focus on more fundamental and granular aspects - the most important one being to simply understand each other better.
COVID-19 and the Japanese Approach
The Japan Times states that the social distancing measures might be essential until 2022 to reduce persistent outbreak following the initial wave. Whatever situation arises during the Coronavirus phase, Japan has enough competence to manage it at national level. However, it can be said with some certainty that in the future, COVID-19 would damage the Japanese position of being advanced country, internationally.
COVID-19 and the Case of the European Union
The need of the hour is a more cohesive pan-European response to COVID-19, requiring the UK government to abandon its ideological hostility towards the EU. The European solidarity, and the proactive engagements among members countries, can set an example for international cooperation everywhere in the world.
WHO and Nepal: Filling the Void in Pandemic Preparedness
At time when high income countries around the world are occupied with their own numbers, peripheral countries like Nepal are left with very limited or the only option like WHO. Nepal, needs WHO to help ensure the right kind of resources to be brought to bear, for consistently and effectively meeting the needs of the people who are already vulnerable and are further likely to be much more vulnerable as the result of the pandemic .
Tight vs Loose Cultures: Decoding Vietnam’s COVID-19 Success
Vietnam’s response to the crisis has earned praise from the World Health Organization. The official statistics clearly exhibit that there are currently more than 75,000 people in quarantine or isolation.