Indo-Pacific Affairs has emerged as a major center of geo-strategic interest. As a political and strategic concept, it has gradually established in the foreign policy lexicon of some countries, especially the United States, India, Japan and Australia. Center for Indo-Pacific Affairs focus on Southeast Asia, the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean.
Strained Nepal-India Relations
This book covers the period of maintaining relations, the period of sliding relations, the intervened relations, the tilted relations, the role of diplomats and psychological barriers and others. In each chapter, the author has explained the topics with great detail which is of immense benefit to policymakers, researchers, journalists and diplomats.
Bharat in the Indo-Pacific and India in South Asia
Indo-Pacific will help India economically accentuate its purpose to create free trade movement and connectivity, but the US-led initiative Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) excludes China.
Disaster Management in Nepal: Challenges and Strategies
Nepal is vulnerable to natural disasters and it requires serious proactive measures to reduce risks and strengthen its resilience after disasters.
Transboundary Water Security in South Asia: Strategies for Cooperation and Competition
The Special Issue published by ORCA in collaboration with NIICE as part of their MoU for Research Cooperation.
China’s Political Economy in the Xi Jingping Epoch: Domestic and Global Dimensions
A new foreign policy is more assertive and uncompromising toward China's neighbors, the United States, and the rest of the world has been heralded by Xi Jinping's rise to power.
Saigon’s Mercy Flights and the Tragedy of Good Intentions
President Ford’s order to vacate Saigon’s orphanages demonstrated a benevolent, if not poorly constructed, sense of duty. If the administration had matched those upright intentions with an equally fervent adherence to the original objective of the operation and detailed-oriented planning, a better outcome might have been achievable.
India’s Own Democratic Assessment: Bridging Gaps, Building Trust
India's endeavor to develop its own indigenous democracy index represents a significant step towards asserting autonomy and self-determination.
Peace as Liberation: Visions and Praxis from Below
This volume edited by Dr. Fatima Waqi Sajjad, Director of the Critical Peace Studies institute at the University of Management and Technology, Lahore – presents Liberation Psychology as a constitutive trope and remedy in order to position the Global South as victims of not only physical but also epistemic violence of colonial powers.